Saturday, January 02, 2010

Time Warp

When I saw my fantabulous surgeon for a recent check-up, I told her about the undiagnosed hip pain I'd been having, and we got into a conversation about the aches and pains that come with age. (She's got some of her own.)

She told me that the reproductive endocrinologist we used says that chemo basically ages a woman's reproductive organs by 10 years—which is why some women don't regain their fertility, even if they're treated at a relatively young age.

My surgeon thinks the same principle probably applies to the whole body—which could be why I've been experiencing some of those aches and pains sooner than you'd otherwise expect.

So what does this all mean?

Well, today's my birthday, and I've apparently just turned 53—at least in what I've taken to calling "chemo years."

On the bright side, I skipped right past any kind of anxiety about turning 50. . . .


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