Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Stage Two

I'm just letting this thing run its course with very minimal intervention. I cannot abide another dose of antihistamines.

Make that a half-dose, which is all I took in the first place.

I'm now at the point where I feel a good bit better but sound a whole lot worse. I'm sneezing, and my voice has that oh-so-attractive donkey quality. I'm pretty sure the next step will be full-on laryngitis.

This is all very frustrating because I am not well enough to go to the ICU, where "well enough" = in absolute perfect health, but I am well enough to do almost everything else, because the normal definition of "well enough" = if I still had a job, there's no doubt I'd be at work today.

It would be different, and far easier, if there were telephones in the ICU—if I could just call my dad every couple of hours to check in, tell him a joke, and send my love.

There are televisions in each room, but no phones.

Which means that even though he can't spend the afternoon with his daughter today, at least he will have the company of Judge Judy and Dr. Phil.

I feel so much better.


Anonymous Christine said...


So sorry you have a head cold! It was GREAT to see you and Zach on Sunday, meet your cool peeps and catch up with Julian. Wish I could have stayed longer...

Glad that your Dad is doing a bit better.


December 19, 2006 9:35 AM  

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