Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Not a Small Thing

Good news arrived in the mail today.

It came in an envelope from the Screen Actors Guild.

It was not a residual check, although one of those did come yesterday. (Happiness is an unexpected residual check. Ecstasy is a large, unexpected residual check.)

It was health insurance cards—medical and dental—for both of us for 2007. Zach qualified based on his earnings as a performer for the past 12 months.

This is a big deal.

It's a career milestone for Zach—the second consecutive year that he's qualified for insurance, and the first that he's earned enough to qualify for the enhanced plan (the one that includes dental and vision coverage).

In this profession, where progress comes in fits and starts, where the trajectory is rarely a steady upward line, news like this is special cause for celebration.

It's also a tremendous relief to have comprehensive and affordable coverage for the next year. I'm still covered through school until the end of July, but having secondary coverage is a welcome safety net—especially since I just used up the prescription-drug benefit from my primary plan. Plus those five extra months at the end of the year will alleviate some of the job-hunting anxiety that will come along with my diploma.

And the extra good news?

The eligibility period for 2008 coverage started just over a month ago, and Zach is already almost halfway to the earnings threshold.



Anonymous Christine said...

Bravo Zach! I KNOW how hard this is to accomplish. Thanks for writing a post about it...


December 7, 2006 7:04 AM  
Blogger Alan said...

Congratulations Guys! Good job, Zach.

December 8, 2006 5:08 AM  

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