Friday, June 16, 2006

Week 4!

I'm writing from the cancer center, where I'm about to get my first Herceptin-only treatment. Unlike chemo, Herceptin does not have any of those annoying day-to-day side effects you've been reading so much about. So my hair will finally start to grow back, and I won't have that nasty layer of paste on my tongue anymore, and the toxic waste dump is, well, no longer toxic.

But perhaps best of all, my blood counts will not be affected, and that means I no longer have to view the world through a Week 1/Week 2/Week 3 construct.

Oh, and I can eat and drink(!) whatever I want, without worrying about having a compromised immune system. Hello, Caesar salad! Hello, cookie-dough ice cream! Hello, wine and spirits!

Well, maybe not hello just yet.

'cause the first thing they do when you arrive at the treatment center is put you on a scale.

And let's just say that all those Yankee Doodles (and all those other easy-to-digest-but-super-unhealthy foodstuffs) have really added up. . . .


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