Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'm Baaack (I Think)

These are the last waning hours of Week 1, and I have to say that I'm feeling pretty good. (Okay, my stomach is kind of flipping out, and has been for the last day or so, but that's really just a minor inconvenience at this point.)

After spending nearly two full days in the house upstate, and nearly another two full days not venturing beyond our property line here in Brooklyn, I actually forsook the couch (and its outdoor equivalent, the hammock) and spent the whole day out and about.

No naps for me!

No weird low gear!

No masquerading as a mute introvert because I didn't have the energy to interact with actual people!

I even knitted sixteen rows of my soon-to-be scarf! And read more than half of today's paper!

For tomorrow, I've got an actual to-do list started.

Watch out, world!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having seen you yesterday, I think you look and are amazing! In response to your previuos blog...I am hungover. Low dull thud that doesn't let up. Bit shaky of hand. Would much rather be horizontal. Not confident about my words or response time. Big difference is that I did it to myself. What's that all about? ; )

June 2, 2006 4:32 AM  
Anonymous Christine said...

Using the comment above as a lead off, I have no excuse being even less accomplished on most weekend days than you were today Jody. I don't even have the hang over excuse, what does that say about me? Wow.

On a purely comic note, I went in for an audition today for Daphne in a live industrial Scooby Doo. Mini-skirt, go-go boots, hair straightened, and a big ol' purple head band. Hope you have fun with that image...

June 2, 2006 10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's really strange is that, right after Christine, I auditioned for the same part. How's THAT for a mental image, Jody???


June 2, 2006 2:27 PM  

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