Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Turn

Here in Knowerville, we have a lovely little tradition that Zach started not too long after we moved into the building. You've already seen evidence of some of his culinary handiwork (the New Year's Eve menu, the homemade bagels). He also makes very delicious cookies (the oatmeal-chocolate-chip variety is a particular favorite of mine). One day, he made a batch of cookies and set some out on a plate in the lobby of our building, along with a friendly little "help yourself" note to the ladies and gentleman upstairs.

Eventually, this turned into a building tradition and was dubbed "lobby treats" by one of the ladies on the third floor—as in, "Oooh! Lobby treats! My favorite!"

Ever since then, Zach and the aforementioned ladies have periodically graced the lobby with delectable baked goods. One never knows when a lobby treat might appear, or what it might be, and that's half the fun. (The other half is, of course, scarfing down the treat on the way from the lobby to one's front door—which, in our case, is about five whole steps.)

Up 'til now, though, each appearance of a lobby treat has caused me a twinge of guilt because, well, I have always been a beneficiary and never a benefactor. (Same goes for Bill, my good pal and fellow slacker on the second floor.)

Not anymore!

Today, in my I-am-now-a-lady-of-leisure-aka-a-drain-on-the-economy-so-the-very-least-I-can-do-is-bake-some-damn-cookies mode, I baked some damn cookies! And then I left six of them in the hall with a little note to my fellow residents.

They're just Toll House cookies with a little extra vanilla (Sara's recommendation), but still. I baked! I even mixed the batter by hand and everything!

OK, Billy boy, it's your turn to ante up.

(No pressure or anything.)


Anonymous Christine said...

Yum!!! Will there be any leftover on Sunday? Extra Vanilla sounds genius.

Fron one non-baker to another, I'm proud of you!!!


March 2, 2006 7:39 AM  
Anonymous Cathy said...

Jody, In your defense, I remember you making cookie dough on several occasions in college. I don't think you ever baked it -- as in, I'm making cookie dough, not I'm making cookies! Glad you are feeling up to it. Our favorite thing to do is to scoop the cookie dough and freeze it. Then, you pull the frozen balls out of the oven anytime you want a fresh baked cookie. Wesley often skips the last step and just eats the frozen dough...also tasty!

As long as we're talking about food, it's about two months until strawberry season here in NC and you know what that means!


p.s. Zach, will you send me your bagel recipe?

March 2, 2006 11:12 AM  

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