Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's the Little Things

I know that I've told you about post-surgical drains. And about sponge baths necessitated by the prohibition against showering for several days after surgery.

But I don't think I've mentioned one of the other indignities that goes along with surgery—at least with surgery in the general vicinity of one's armpit: no shaving and no deodorant.

Let me say right up front that I realize that some people prefer not to shave or wear deodorant, and that is fine (provided they don't straphang next to me on the subway in, say, mid-August). If you prefer the natural state—unshorn and otherwise unmediated—that's just great. You have my full support.

I, on the other hand, prefer the hairless, fresh-smelling—one might say inconspicuous—variety of underarm, and that means I've been suffering with the other kind—on the left side, anyway—for quite some time. My first surgery (this time around) was December 14. Today is February 28. By my count, that's 76 consecutive days of averting both my eyes and nose.

It therefore gives me great pleasure to report that there will not be a Day 77.

I saw my fantabulous surgeon today and got the green light to return my much maligned left armpit to its former glory. A little axillary makeover is now on the agenda for tomorrow.

And there was much rejoicing in Knowerville.


Anonymous Christine said...

YEAH!!!!! Congratulations to you and your armpit.

(when I read that back, it seems like there's something going on between you and your underarm; but no innuendo was intended) :)


March 1, 2006 8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took my troops (Phil, Bella, Sophia) to Cactus last night and was reminded of how you trudge all the way from SF to the East Bay to have your favorite burrito made.

I told the kids that it is your favorite Mexican joint and now it's theirs too!

I miss you from SF and here's to seeing you again either here in the Bay Area or when I visit NYC.



March 1, 2006 11:59 AM  
Anonymous Randi said...

what, no picture?

March 2, 2006 1:14 PM  

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