Monday, February 13, 2006

Tougher day today

Was it the snow?

Was it the slog slog slog to get to physical therapy up at Sinai (which is four trains away, and a two-hour roundtrip)?

The pressures of the magazine class assignment?

"Coming down" from the steroids?

The chemo kicking in late? (Or perhaps I should say "early", since Jody's blood counts should theoretically drop next weekend, not now.)

Whatever it was, Jody was a bit of a wreck today. Worn thin, and nerves rattled and kinda zonked. Of course, the weather didn't help (did I mention the snow?); on the bright side, the rest of the week is supposed to be nicer.

Jodes worked intensely on schoolwork all morning and into the early afternoon. We had a late lunch together, and then headed to the Upper East Side so she could keep her appointment for rehab on her left axilla. This is the area under the armpit where her two surgeries were in December and January. The therapist is helping Jody improve her range of motion in her shoulder and also spends time massaging out some of the scar tissue that has accumulated.

Even before the appointment, Jody was flagging a bit. The commute up there was horrible, and the PT always takes something out of her. As her session was wrapping up, she was on fumes. We made a pit stop at her support group across the street just to revive a bit; that helped, as did ducking into Starbucks for a quick coffee (me) and chocolate milk (her). But by the time we'd made it back to Brooklyn, we were both just spent. We put our heads down for a quick nap, which turned into something longer. I snoozed for about 40 minutes; Jody was out for 2-1/2 hours. After a late dinner, she tried to work some more, but there was just no energy there. Around 11:00 she gave up and resolved to get up early to start fresh in the morning.

We'll have to wait to see whether this happens every time, or if it was just the culmination of a lot of factors today. To paraphrase what I said on Friday: we've been so driven for so long, kind of running at top speed, that we haven't had a chance to pull back; now that we're finally slackening the pace a bit, I think the last two months are catching up to us.

But that's to be expected, no? As I learned firsthand when my father was ill last year, there will be good days and bad days. Guaranteed. You just have to accept that as part of the package. Today pretty much sucked, but it could have been a lot worse.

And to quote Katy Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler, "Tomorrow is another day"...


Anonymous Christine said...

Sending you lots of love and good energy today.

Happy Valentine's Day to two great hearts!

February 14, 2006 8:09 AM  
Anonymous Liz said...

You know, there's that old adage about going on vacation and getting the worst headache/cold/flu/whatever possible. It's all about the push push push of regular life and then the relaxation/letdown that finally lets your body (ironically) get sick. Not to imply that you're on vacation or anything, but I think a similar principle is applying here.
I am sending lots of love and positive thoughts...

February 14, 2006 5:29 PM  

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