Saturday, January 28, 2006

Early to Bed

The night owls are going to try to change their ways. At least for a while.

Now that we're taking meds in various forms (pills for Z, pills and—starting tomorrow—shots for me) every night at 9PM and soon will have to get up at a most unseemly hour to make it to the least conveniently located doctor's office in New York for daily 7AM blood tests and, for fun, pelvic ultrasounds for me (more on that some other time—I'm sure you're still reeling from all of the Aunt Flo business), we realized that we can't be staying up 'til all hours—for the next couple of weeks, at least.

(Yes, I do think I just broke the Guinness Book of World Records' record for longest run-on sentence, thank you very much.)

And, of course, I am already up past my new bedtime.



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